MTG JumpStart 2022 : Two Headed Giant – 14th June 2024

£5.00 inc VAT


Date : 7th June 2024

Time : 19:00

Venue : Insane Gamers @ The Old Pump House, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1TU

For more details join our Facebook Group Insane Gamers


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Team up with your best buddy or friend you have just met and face your opponents in a 2v2 showdown. Jumpstart is a fun, unique way to pick up and play Magic. By combining any two Jumpstart booster packs, you’ll create your own 40-card themed deck—and you’re ready to go. Skip the deck building and jump right into playing games of Magic.

Each team of two will receive 4 Jumpstart 2022 boosters to open between them selves, they then decided which two-pack combinations to create 2 40 card decks. At the end of the event the players will keep all the cards they open.
For rules on how to play Two-Headed Giant check out the following link.
For information about jumpstart check out the following link.
We are currently offering 12 tickets for 6 teams of 2. Teams will be decided at the start of the event, so you can come with a team mate in mind or be paired up on the day.
Pre-booking is essential.
Stuff you need to bring
Everything you need should be available, but it is a good idea to bring a playmat, dice and card sleeves.
Cost of Event
Just the £5 per person entry to the venue which is then donated to the Wells Food bank